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          Ship Preparatory Academy provides a loving Christian atmosphere with a wide range of enriching and recreational activities to promote joy in learning and a positive self-image for every child. From morning assembly to Bible lessons to biblical approaches for behavior management, every aspect of our program reflects our Christian faith. We seek to instill in children a love of worship, an understanding of our need for a Savior, and a deep compassion for others.  We emphasize the process of learning and discovery over the product. Research proves that through play, children acquire the foundations for reading, writing, and logical thinking. Our goal is to support children in their active explorations and instill confidence in them as independent and inquisitive learners. We provide a safe environment, rich in developmentally-appropriate materials and experiences, where we invite children to explore and take risks. Ship teachers incorporate holistic learning activities and measure growth across every domain (spiritual, emotional, physical, social and intellectual). Assessment includes quarterly reports as well as a student portfolio, which displays the individual developmental process of a child through work samples, teacher observations, and photographs.

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